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freqly asked questions
What is Saumal?
SAUMAL in the Kazakh language is milk secreted by female horses, known as mares, during lactation to feed their foals.
What are the benefits of Saumal?
The well-balanced nutrients in SAUMAL strengthen the immune system and support the digestive system and intestinal flora. Mare's milk is especially rich in whey protein, polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamins.
Where is your product manufactured?

Our product is produced in Kazakhstan.

Is mare's milk halal? Yes. Our product is registered in Dubai Municipality, and it's Halal.

Why is your product in powder form?

Most of the milk's beneficial properties are lost within 2-3 hours after milking.

To counter this effect, German company Zollman Stutenmilch Gmbh employs a process of freeze-drying that allows the milk to preserve 90% of its biological composition and has done so for over 50 years.

How to use your product?
The powder must be dissolved in 150 ml of warm water. It is essential to use warm water as hot water will burn all the beneficial properties, and the powder does not dissolve well in cold water.
When is it better to use your product?

The best time is early morning when the stomach is empty.

For the first two days, taking one scoop at a time is better, after which it can be increased to two scoops.

Is it suitable for kids?

In its unique natural composition, Mare's milk is strikingly similar to human milk.

Therefore, SAUMAL can be considered an additional food with breast milk for 6-month toddlers and older (during problems of assimilation of lactose, individual intolerance to proteins of the casein group).

SAUMAL will help saturate a growing body with beneficial substances and form a strong immunity.

Does your product have a side effect?

People with disturbed stomach microflora in the first two to three days may feel side effects in the form of bloating and diarrhoea.

This is a normal reaction; during this time, the natural components of the mare's milk will restore the microflora.